On this cientific article we can see the differences between the organic and the conventional methods, it deals with the chemical composition comparation with each method and a analysis of it
According to Šterna.V & Zute.S on this first table (TABLE 1) are analyzed some chemical properties of oat, as we can see they give a minimum and a maximum result in percentatge for each parameter measured and analyzed. As they say in the part III.RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, depend on the varieties they have a interval of results for each parameter. For example, the average content of protein between the conventional and the organic method aren't significant(p>0.05). I can't check the results because I don't have the media
On this second table (TABLE 2) are different kind of aminoacids and a comparation of them with the organic and the conventional agriculture. They say that the difference among oats grown using different nitrogen fertilizer rate was different in oat varieties, but it was not significant (p>0.05), to check this datas we are going to use again the same page, graphpad quickcalcs t test, however now we are going to use the part of "enter mean, SD and N". Unfortunately to check the datas we need the mean, SD and N, but the N is not defined on the article